You know why it’s important to #Vote4MentalHealth. Now take the next steps.
Find resources below to help you or your organization get involved to #Vote4MentalHealth during the 2024 elections.
For Voters
When you cast your vote, you can #Vote4MentalHealth.
Every elected official — President, Congress, Governor, State Representatives, County Commissioners, City Councilmembers, School Board Members — influences decisions that impact people with mental health conditions.
Health Care is Mental Health.
Improving Equity is Mental Health.
Criminal Justice Reform is Mental Health.
Affordable Housing is Mental Health.
Supporting Veterans is Mental Health.
Education is Mental Health.
A Community that Cares is Mental Health.
Elections are more than parties and politics. Elections are about mental health.
For Organizations
NAMI's elections work is in partnership with...

National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy. More than 5 million voters have registered to vote on the holiday to date. National Voter Registration Day will next take place on September 17, 2024.

Vote Early Day is a nonpartisan movement of media companies, businesses, nonprofits, election administrators, and creatives working to ensure all Americans have the tools to vote early.

Nonprofit VOTE partners with nonprofits across the United States to help people participate and vote. By leveraging the vast reach and trusted relationships of nonprofits, Nonprofit VOTE aims to ensure all people are heard in our democratic process, particularly people currently underrepresented in terms of voting, including persons with low-income, people of color, and younger voters.

VoteRiders is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with a mission to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their freedom to vote. VoteRiders informs & helps citizens to secure their voter ID.