Make a Plan to #Vote4MentalHealth
Are you ready to #Vote4MentalHealth? Use the guides below to get prepared to vote!
▢ Take the pledge to #Vote4MentalHealth
▢ Encourage 5 friends or family members to take the #Vote4MentalHealth pledge
▢ Learn how different policy issues intersect with mental health
▢ Learn how different elected officials impact mental health and how you can engage with candidates
▢ Research the candidates on your ballot
▢ Share why you #Vote4MentalHealth on social media
▢ Register to vote or check your voter registration
▢ Learn more about your state’s voting options, like voting early or by mail
▢ Find your polling place (if you plan to vote in-person)
▢ Request your absentee ballot (if you can and plan to vote-by-mail)
▢ Return your absentee ballot (if you requested one) or return your mail ballot (if your state votes by mail)
▢ Encourage 5 friends or family members to vote
▢ Go #Vote4MentalHealth!