From health care to the economy to criminal justice and more, mental health touches many of the issues that you might care about the most. Whenever you cast your ballot, you #Vote4MentalHealth, whether you realize it or not.
Every elected official – from the president and Congress to county commissioners and city councilmembers – has influence on issues impacting people affected by mental health conditions. Your vote matters.
When you take the pledge to #Vote4MentalHealth, you commit to understanding how your vote impacts people with mental health conditions and how you can act. When you pledge, we’ll send you information on how to vote in your state and steps you can take to understand where candidates stand on issues you care about.
#Vote4MentalHealth is about more than a single policy issue.
It’s about knowing how different issues affect people with mental health conditions, from health care, housing, the economy and more. Learn more about how the issues you care about intersect with mental health.

Policymakers at every level impact the mental health services in your community.
Understanding how different policymakers impact mental health services and supports – and what you can do to educate them about mental illness – is critical to #Vote4MentalHealth.

Get Ready to #Vote4MentalHealth
When you cast your vote, you can #Vote4MentalHealth.
Every elected official — President, Congress, Governor, State Representatives, County Commissioners, City Councilmembers, School Board Members — influences decisions that impact people with mental health conditions.
Health Care is Mental Health.
Improving Equity is Mental Health.
Criminal Justice Reform is Mental Health.
Affordable Housing is Mental Health.
Supporting Veterans is Mental Health.
Education is Mental Health.
A Community that Cares is Mental Health.
Elections are more than parties and politics. Elections are about mental health.